Broad discussion about Women’s reproductive system | Internal parts

Female reproductive system is a very important process for our pregnancy to giving birth. Actually It plays a major role in every female's life.

The reproductive systems organs are divided into 2 parts

Internal organ or External organ


1st we will discuss internal organs and we will learn how many internal parts are involved in this process. 

I. Vagina -

At first we will learn about Most important internal part who is primarily involved in this process is "Vagina" Actually it is a muscular organ. Which connected to the uterus part cervix. The baby passes through this canal also called the birth canal. 

II. Uterus -

After the Vagina Uterus plays the next role in this process. Actually Uterus is the hollow muscular pear shaped organ it's Divided into 3 parts: 1. fundus, 2. body, and 3. cervix. Female pelvis between the bladders and rectum Also called  womb, it carries the pregnancy ( nourish and development fetus). Also responsible  for Menstruation. 

III. Fallopian tubes -

A tube connected between ovaries to the uterus. It passed the fertilized egg(ovum) from ovary to the uterus. It's also called a uterine tube. 

IV. Ovaries -

The ovary is an almond shaped Organ in a woman's body. Attached with fallopian Tubes. A female glands pair which form and store eggs and reproduce female hormones estrogen and progesterone. The main function at the time of ovulation one of the ovaries produced an egg. The sperm fertilizes the egg to become pregnant.

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